Super Riki / Action / 💖Ariza english subtitles

Ariza episode 14 english subtitles

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In the 14th episode of the Turkish TV series "Ariza" Ali Ryza disappeared and no one can know exactly where he went. For a long time there is no news from him, and it became known about some strange operation, about which nothing is known either. At this moment, Ali is held hostage and he is brutally tortured with electric shock. They are trying to knock out all the information regarding the person for whom Ali works. Ali replied that he did not need to work for someone, since he is the most ordinary taxi driver. Only no one believes him and for this Ali has to receive new blows. Ali Ryza's mother is very worried about her son and if something bad happens to him, she will not be able to survive the loss of another child. Now she can only pray to the Almighty that nothing happens to Ali. Khalida also does not find a place for herself and she feels that Ali is in great danger, but she cannot help him in any way. In front of Ali, they posted photographs of those who are somehow connected with the world of crime and begin to demand that he tell everything he knows about these people. If the guy does not do this, then he will definitely not be able to leave this place alive. Ali pointed to Fuat Ersoy, then Khashmet Gyurkan and said that he knew only these people ...
