Super Riki / Action / 💖Ariza english subtitles

Ariza episode 16 english subtitles

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In episode 16 of the Turkish TV series “Ariza,” Khashmet cannot come to terms with the fact that he considered the man who killed his children all this time his good friend. How could he be so wrong about this man? Khashmet believes that this is his fault, because he could not save his family. Khalide is very worried about her father, she tried to calm him down, but nothing came of it. The girl becomes very scared when she looks into his eyes. After all, Khashmet decided to give up absolutely everything and now he no longer cares about anything. He intends to fight to the very end, but how can Khalide allow that? Only the girl herself does not understand what to do in this situation? Melek is also going to avenge the death of his brother as well as nephews. Everyone will have to bear the punishment they deserve and Melek will not spare anyone. Ali Ryza armed himself properly, and he is going to destroy Ersoyi one by one. Khalida came to Fuat and began to demand that he not hide and go out into the street. At the same time, the girl put a pistol to Burak's head and if her demand is not met, she will kill him ...
