Super Riki / Comedy / 💖Aşk Mantık İntikam (Love Logic Revenge) english subtitles

Aşk Mantık İntikam (Love Logic Revenge) episode 22 english subtitles

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Episode 22 of the Turkish TV series "Aşk Mantık İntikam" will tell how Mert called agli and he thinks it’s time for them to talk. Chagla did not want to meet with him, but she had no choice. Mert said he would come to the company if necessary. Esra learns that Chagla has canceled an important meeting and decides to follow her. Chagla went to the park and there met with Murt. He learned that he would soon become a father. Esra saw who Chagla was dating. Chynar came to Chagly to find out what she was hiding. She said that she could not go to the hospital with Ozan. And all because I was scared. After all, Ozan will be able to guess everything. Chynar is tired of Chagla trying to get out, constantly lying and cannot say everything directly. Only for her it was very difficult to reveal the whole truth to him. After talking with Chagla, Chynar went to Ozan's office in order to talk to him. He must tell him something very important. Ozan and Esra watched Chagla. Then they drove up to the house and waited for the person with whom Chagla was to meet. Soon a car drove up and Ozan is in great anticipation of the moment he sees this man ...
