Super Riki / Comedy / 💖TozluYaka english subtitles

TozluYaka episode 18 english subtitles

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The 18th episode of the Turkish TV series TozluYaka will tell about how Onder invited Derya to a cafe for a serious conversation. Derya understood what they were talking about and became very nervous. He did not drag out the conversation, went closer to Derya and took out a box with a ring. But at that moment, Onder's son began to call. He wanted to postpone the conversation, but the call was persistent and Derya asked to answer, something important happened suddenly. The son told Onder that his mother was stabbed and asks him to come as soon as possible. Mavi found out that all these years she was brought up in a foster family, and for her it was a big shock. Ali was finally able to understand that he had strong feelings towards Mavi. He did not hide this and at the first opportunity said that he fell in love with her. Mavi thinks of only one thing and she would most like to know why her parents left her? She asks Ali to help her find a real family. Ali is ready to fulfill any wish of Mavi. Zeynep told Arap that they would have to win the upcoming music competition by any means necessary. This they will do for Bilal's brother. Ali informed Mavi that Burke had declared himself his protector. She does not understand who he was going to protect Ali from?
