Super Riki / Comedy / 💖TozluYaka english subtitles

TozluYaka episode 2 english subtitles

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Episode 2 of the Turkish TV series TozluYaka will tell about how Ali sent messages to his friends and said that they needed to meet urgently. In his hands were documents that said about the exams for scholarships. In the same place, all the correct answers were marked in the documents and there was a note with them. It said that Vefa had been killed and that the killer was at the school. If they want to find the killer, they will have to go to this university. They have already been to the police many times, but no one believes them and claims that it was an ordinary suicide. The guys did not miss this opportunity and began to properly prepare for the upcoming exam. Few people think about the fact that in order to achieve success on the way there are invisible boundaries. Only here they are able to separate people. As soon as a person crosses these boundaries, he is immediately told to stop. Only the main characters came to this place with dust on their shoes from their home area. But until they find the true killer of Vefa, there will be no way out for them. Soon, one of the students of the educational institution reports that her phone was stolen from her, and she even knows who could have done it. Onder pressed the student against the wall and said that there was no justification for what was done to Hazal on that ill-fated night ...
