Super Riki / Crime / 💖Baş Belası (Trouble-maker) english subtitles

Baş Belası (Trouble-maker) episode 1 english subtitles

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In episode 1 of the Turkish TV series "Baş Belası", a young and attractive woman named Ipek gets a job in the police as a psychologist. Only now she ends up in the homicide department, which is engaged in the investigation of especially grave crimes. Commissioner Shahin was not happy with such cooperation, and he always believed that this work was not at all suitable for the fragile sex. He will constantly remind Ipek that she is not in therapy and this place is not for her. Relations between the young people immediately went wrong and it turned out to be too difficult for them to find a common language. On the first working day, a conflict immediately arose between them, and all because Shahin and Ipek could not get through the same door. Ipek believes that Shahin is too arrogant and it is this quality that hinders him in everything. If he was not much simpler and calmly treated the things around him, then his life would become much easier. But Shahin over Ipek has the main advantage and this is the badge of a policeman, which she does not have, and never will. It is intended only for professionals in their field like Shahin. This should never be forgotten, but Ipek perceives these words as no more than a simple joke. Despite hatred towards each other, Shahin and Ipek will have to work as one team ...
