Super Riki / Crime / 💖Baş Belası (Trouble-maker) english subtitles

Baş Belası (Trouble-maker) episode 3 english subtitles

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In episode 3 of the Turkish TV series “Baş Belası”, when one of the twins was detained, сталahin began to interrogate him. Ipek, hearing about the group, felt unwell. She went to Kadir and asked him to surrender. The thing is that the people who killed Ekrem are now going to eliminate him as well. Shahin wrote down everything in the protocol exactly as it should be and required by the authorities. Only if this protocol is checked, then Ipek will definitely lose his job. At the moment, Ipek and Shahin are forced to share one cabinet for two, and sometimes this circumstance leads to minor conflicts. Gerkem learned that his mother wanted to find his father's killer and teach him a lesson. But Ipek does not retreat, and she continues to pursue the criminal group, only thereby exposing her own life to mortal danger. The senior commissioner in the precinct has a guardian angel, and others have already been convinced of this. Shahin is used to getting from witnesses by the method of great pressure, but Ipek believes that this should not be done. Sometimes you can just calmly talk to a person, but it is not necessary to exert psychological pressure on him. After all, then he will simply shut up and that's it. Shahin believes that if they had conducted all their affairs in this way, then they simply had no criminals, and no one was in prisons ...
