In episode 14 of the Turkish TV series Masumlar Apartmani, Khan told Inci that he was following such a dark path that she could not even imagine. Naji continues to revolve around Safiye and she does not know how to get rid of the thought of him in her head. A serious conflict arose between Gulben and Sofiye. It's all about the former lover Safiyya, who so suddenly burst into her life. Khan also begins to ask Safiye if she really loved this man? They begin to put serious pressure on her and demand to confess that she really loved this person. After all, he was once the most desirable man for her. And that for him she even tried to kill her mother. Khan was also able to hurt Safiye, but then tried to apologize and said that she misunderstood him. Only the girl starts hysterical and she believes that she did nothing of the kind. No one can understand what is happening to Safiye and why she began to behave so strangely. Everything that happens to Safiye begins to attract the attention of another member of this family. She is so seriously confused that for the first time she cannot control her behavior ...