Super Riki / Drama / 💖Masumlar Apartmani english subtitles

Masumlar Apartmani episode 24 english subtitles

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In the 24th episode of the Turkish TV series "Masumlar Apartmani", Esra witnessed how Gulben entered an empty apartment with a bag and left it there. Strange smells have been coming from that place for a long time. When Esra came to Safiya and Gulben, the conversation between them went wrong, and there was a big quarrel. Then Esra decided to contact the relevant services so that they personally check everything there. When the service staff arrived, Khan returned home at that moment. He was allowed to go to that very apartment, despite the fact that his sisters were very scared. Han notices that Inji has been acting strange lately. But for some reason she doesn't want to tell him anything. Naji is having a good time with Safiye. He arranged a surprise for her, which Safiye was delighted with. Naji thinks that Safiye is his very beautiful story. Their love can heal any wounds. Safiye only now feels really happy. She is wearing a wedding dress and considers herself the most beautiful bride. Father saw Safiye in such a state of mind, and his soul felt better. Inji begins to demand from Khan to tell her the whole truth ...
