In episode 3 of the Turkish TV series “Masumlar Apartmani”, Khan begins to feel how much his life has changed after he met the beautiful Inci. Previously, everything was somehow monotonous, but now bright colors have been introduced into its everyday life. Even in his sleep he is never bored. Now Khan began to divide by two, which he spent with Inji, and which without her. He had never experienced such feelings before and he knows for sure that for the sake of this amazing woman he will be able to turn the whole world if it is only necessary. And it will be enough that Inji asks for it and wants it. Khan is tired of such a life, and he already believes that not only his sisters are sick, but the whole family. They even have a separate room in their house where the girls keep their dirty bedding. And Khan himself removes garbage from the streets at night. This cannot continue and the situation must be urgently corrected. Khan couldn't take it any longer and told his sisters that they needed to be treated. Gulben did not like these words, and she asked if Khan had decided to take them to a psychologist again? The guy believes that everyone who lives in this house is in great danger. Gulben begins to blame Inji for everything, because with her appearance her brother has changed a lot and paranoia attacks the girl. She begins to clean every corner of the house so that not even a trace of Inji remains in the house ...