In episode 9 of the Turkish TV series "Masumlar Apartmani", Gulben continues to communicate with Esat and constantly asks how he is doing. She is very much looking forward to the moment when he comes to visit them. She is ready to drink what they agreed on. Most of all, Gulben wonders if he talked to her brother and what did he decide in the end? Esat at this moment sits with Khan and is constantly distracted by messages from Gulben, which her brother really does not like. Khan even reprimanded Esat. Gulben is very happy and she thanks Almighty for the fact that he reunited her with her beloved. She wants this to be the case in the life of every person who wants to feel truly happy. Only Safiye is totally against her sister talking to this guy. She knows that something bad has ripened in her head. Safiye wanted to get rid of Gulben's favorite books, even though she begged her not to. But Safiye is sure that it is these books that pollute her sister's head and therefore need to get rid of them. But these were very expensive things for Gulben, and she threw them out the window. Safiye told Gulben that it was she who taught her to be so bad. After all, Safiye learned everything from Gulben and eventually became what she is now and her sister must come to terms with this ...