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Kefaret (Atonement) episode 30 english subtitles

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In the 30th episode of the Turkish TV series "Kefaret", Zeynep managed to get rid of Selena, and she was happy, because now the Court will be next to her. Only the family's troubles did not end there, and she has a new obstacle in the person of Aishe. She wants to take Souda and alienate her from Zeynep, as she believes that this woman does not have a very good influence on her granddaughter. Sinan embarks on a new operation, but because of this, his marriage to Zeynep is threatened. Zeynep told Sinan that she didn’t like this job and he should leave her. But Sinan loves his job and he loves what he does. Then Zeynep has no choice but to put Sinan in front of a difficult choice. Meltem is making every effort to put her life in order, and she wants to start from scratch. Arzu manages to find a safe haven for herself, she settles in one house, which is located in a remote village. Here she hopes that the police will not be able to find her, and she will give birth to her baby in a calm atmosphere. In addition, Akhmet is next to her and takes care of his beloved. Arzu feels really happy. Munevver made an important decision for herself, and she wants to break off relations with Kadir. No matter how hard they try to fix everything, nothing comes of it ...
