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Son Yaz (Last summer) episode 18 english subtitles

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In the 18th episode of the Turkish TV series "Son Yaz", Akgun wants to know as much information as possible about Gokhan. First of all, he must find out if this guy is really Akgyun's mother's son. Law enforcement officers came for Fatih and took him under arrest. Soner and Akgyun arrived at Gokhan's workshop. Akgun knows that if Gokhan is really his brother, then he must have a birthmark. But Gokhan had a tattoo in that place and he said that he had specially covered the birthmark. Akgyun's words pissed off Akgyun, and he began to beat him. When Janan came to Selim and told him that she was ready to start everything from scratch, this made him very happy. Selim told Janan that he had detained Fatih and together they went for interrogation. Serap becomes Fatih's witness and she wants to testify. Selim warned Fatih that it would remain on his conscience and he would live with it. Yagmur ran a DNA test and the result showed that Akgun and Gokhan were indeed brothers. Only Yagmur sees that Akgyun is not happy at all. He regrets for what he did to Gokhan, because he brought his brother to the hospital and simply destroyed him. Selim believes that if Gekkhan planned something bad, then there must be a topic to which he constantly brings ...
