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Son Yaz (Last summer) episode 23 english subtitles

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In the 23rd episode of the Turkish TV series "Son Yaz", Selim did not like that Akgun returned, because he could just run on the run with his father and disappear forever. In addition, Selim is outraged that Akgyun took part in a secret mission. Selim warns Akgyun that there will be no way back and asks him not to take this path. He knows very well that Akgyun is being threatened by his father. Selim, offers to settle this matter and go on the run together. Akgun believes that there is a subtle connection between him and Selim. They had not seen each other for so many years, but every day he remembered and thought about Selim. Selim noticed that Akgyun had changed a lot and now he is no longer a child. Selim did not return to postpone affairs, and he intends to act. Only it turned out to be quite difficult. Yagmur cannot recognize the Akgyun whom she fell in love with. He became a completely different person, and she had long forgotten him. Yagmur told Akgyun, looking into his eyes that everything was over between them. There is a quarrel between Selim and Akgyun and Soner becomes the reason for everything. Akgyun under no circumstances wants to expose him, let alone betray him. But then he will have to betray Selim ...
