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Masumiyet (Innocence) episode 11 english subtitles

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In the 11th episode of the Turkish TV series "Masumiyet", Ismail was very angry with Khala for her act, but she is not going to stop there. Ilker quite by chance heard this conversation and is indignant. Ismail is very scared, because now there is every chance that he may end up in prison. Bahar learned that Umut had witnessed that unfortunate night when her daughter was severely beaten. Kharyn began to ask Ela, how far can she go in order to achieve the desired goal? There is only one way by which one could get to the bottom of the truth, and Ele is well aware of this. Despite all the circumstances, no one can spoil the authority of the Ilgaz family and it will always stand confidently on its feet. This is exactly what Khale thinks, and she openly stated this to reporters. Ilker begins to suspect that Ela is hiding many secrets from him and that he wants to know about everything. Ela did not answer and Ilker did not like it very much, so he raised his voice to not. Ilker continues to insist on his own, and he must know what this time Ela is hiding from him. But Ilker's screams only brought El to tears, and she did not want to stay with him any longer ...
