Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 27 english subtitles

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In the 27th episode of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Miran and Reyan made up, but soon they have to face another obstacle. Unexpectedly for Miran, his grandmother appears, who for many years has been waiting for him to come to her. It will not be easy for Miran to accept the fact that his grandmother has been hiding from him for so long. Now he will never again leave her alone and decides to take his grandmother to Aziza. When he found himself on the doorstep of the Aslanbeevs' house with his relative, everyone was greatly surprised by the appearance of such an unexpected guest. Grandmother will have to tell everyone the truth, because she wanted to do it for a long time, but she was not allowed on the doorstep and was forbidden to see Miran. Miran himself has a lot of questions about his past. At this moment, Azat meets with Elif and he immediately realized that she was very sad. Azat had been thinking about fishing the Sultan for a long time and decided that he would marry Elif. First of all, he will need to inform all his relatives. Azat is going to tell everyone that with the help of this marriage it will be possible to reconcile the warring families. Yaren arrives in shock, and she can’t come to terms with the cruel way she was framed by Aziza ...
