Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 30 english subtitles

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In the 30th episode of the Turkish series "Hercai", the jeweler's son unexpectedly came to Aziz and said that he had brought her greetings from the master Gabriel. He also said that Azize would not be able to change the past with weapons and would not even hide the truth. Miran turned out to be a casual witness of this conversation and he heard everything that the guy said. But for what reason the jeweler was silent for so many years and now appeared in Aziza's life? Aziza found herself in a difficult position and understands that it is becoming more and more difficult to hide the secret. Very soon a mysterious person will appear who constantly writes letters to Aziza and maybe he is the same jeweler? Miran and Reyan came to his store and wanted to find out everything about the ring, but at that time the jeweler did not reveal the whole truth to them. Now the situation has gone too far, and when a fire broke out, innocent people could suffer in it. Azize continues to implement her insidious plans and, it would seem, nothing can stop her. In the lives of Reyan and Miran, Harun will appear, who is not indifferent to Reyan. After the fire, Elif and Azat began to get closer, and they easily understand each other. Azat still continues to love Elif and many people around him know about it. Azize will have to find an excuse for the words that Miran heard ...
