Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 33 english subtitles

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In the 33rd episode of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Harun managed to sneak into Miran's room unnoticed and then he put a note in his pocket. When Miran put on a suit and reached into his pocket in order to get a gift, that very note fell out. Reyan raised the note and asked Miran what it was? Did he have to write his speech on a piece of paper in order not to forget something important? Harun says in a note that it is necessary to find his mother's friend, and she can tell about everything. Then it will be possible to find out how all these troubles began. Miran begins to understand that someone is following him very closely and pushes him to further search. This circumstance greatly interferes with Miran and enrages him. He's already had too much difficulty lately, but it turns out there is a person who knows the whole truth. Only for what reason does he not want to reveal his identity and just tell about everything? Miran gives his word that he will find out who this person is and what he needs from him. When Reyan saw Harun, she was very surprised and wanted to say something. But he interrupted her and asked, with a smile on his face, what are they doing here? But Miran pounced on him and began to ask, is he following them?
