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Hercai episode 52 english subtitles

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In episode 52 of the Turkish TV series "Hercai" Fusun called Miran and made an appointment with him. Now she intends to tell everything about Aziza and put an end to it. Reyan was very scared when she saw Azize and does not know what she is up to this time. Azize said she came to make sure that Reyan was okay. Reyan is very happy to have life inside her now. Miran and Reyan were supposed to have twins, but a tragic event happened, and one of the kids became an angel. It won't be long before she can become a good mother for her beautiful child, and this thought warms Reyan. When everyone gathered at the table, Reyan began to thank her father for sending so many sweets. Only the man was very surprised and said that he did not transmit anything. Reyan remembered that when she ate those sweets, she felt very bad. Reyan also told Miran that Aziza was there. These words enraged Miran and he began to shout that Azize was to blame for the death of his child, and then left the house. Reyan was very scared for the child and began to ask if everything was fine with him? Khazar tried to stop Miran, but could not do it ...
