Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 54 english subtitles

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In the 54th episode of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", in order to protect his family, Miran has to find out what Cihan is trying to do. Fusun intends to prove to Miran that she is not his enemy and made an appointment. Only the Khazar went to the meeting place and met Dilshakh there. As it became known, Nasukh Shadoglu and Azize Aslanbey loved each other. But besides this, they even managed to get their own children and now everyone knows that. Aziza was informed that Khazar was her own son. Now Azize is trying to beg for forgiveness from Reyan for all the bad that she did for her. Reyan is very angry with Aziz and says that she has no right to ask her about it. After all, it was Azize who threw her into the square, and how dare she ask for forgiveness after that? A very unpleasant event took place at one of the graves of the Aslanbeev family, as the grave was extracted. And this grave belongs to Dilshah Aslanbey. After her grave was opened, it turned out that it was empty. For Miran, the news came as an unexpected blow. Was his mother alive all these years? Now he is going to find out how it happened that his own mother's grave is empty. Miran understands that only Aziza can answer this question. He went to her and began to ask about it, and Aziza, looking into Miran's eyes, said that his mother was actually alive ...
