Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 62 english subtitles

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In episode 62 of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Miran was very surprised when he found out that he and Reyan had only one wedding photo. Only they, as such, did not have a wedding, so there was nothing to photograph either. Miran decided to fix everything and he and Reyan will have the wedding they deserve. Miran remembers that when he first met Reyan, his life immediately changed. Only with her he was truly born, then found a wonderful family and is going to leave this world with his beloved. Very soon their son Umut will be born and then they will become the happiest parents for their child. Miran has a surprise for Reyan. Reyan put on a beautiful wedding dress and Miran gave her a luxurious ring. The closest people gathered to congratulate the couple in love. Miran always knew that the Almighty would never just bring two people together and this requires a good reason. And this can be some kind of serious test or love. Reyan was delighted with the celebration Miran had organized for her. It all turned out even much better than in her dreams. She feels both happy and unhappy at one moment, since she will not be able to fulfill what Miran asks of her ...
