Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 66 english subtitles

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In episode 66 of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", when Reyan arranged a surprise for Miran, she suddenly felt unwell. Miran immediately rushed to take Reyan to the hospital and at that moment her water broke. Reyan began to ask the doctors to do everything so that she could smell her baby for even a minute. Miran was next to Reyan during childbirth. She said that if something happened to her, Reyan would trust Miran with their child. After Reyan gave birth to a son, the child showed no signs of life. Reyan is scared and the doctors are doing everything to save the newborn. But then Reyan herself lost consciousness. Miran is very worried about Reyan. She is in intensive care and is in critical condition. Miran remembers how he promised Reyan that they would leave the hospital with their child. Relatives try to support Miran and do not understand why he does not want to take his baby in his arms. Reyan risked her own life in order to give him a son. He should not repeat his mistakes, much less leave what she entrusted to him. Miran is simply obliged to keep his word, take care of Umut and raise a good person out of him. Miran began to understand that he was making a mistake and went to his son ...
