Super Riki / Drama / 💖Sadakatsiz english subtitles

Sadakatsiz episode 36 english subtitles

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Episode 36 of the Turkish TV series "Sadakatsiz" tells how Aras was discharged from the hospital and he is very grateful to Asya for always believing in him. He is grateful to her for the fact that she appeared in his life. With her, he seemed to start building everything from scratch. From the very beginning he learns everything and at this difficult moment Asier is next to him. Aras kissed Asier, and it came as a surprise to her. All this happened in front of Volkan. She talked about what happened to Bahar. A friend began to ask Asier, what did she feel after that? But Asier cannot answer this question, as she is very confused. Her senses and mind mixed in one moment. Most of all, she is alarmed by the fact that absolutely nothing is known about this person. Volkan is very angry with Aras and warned him that he would definitely find out about all the cases that this man was trying to do. He will have to stay as far away from his wife and son as possible. Aras reminded Volkan that Asya was no longer his wife, since she had divorced him. This hooked Volkan even more and he pounced on Aras with his fists. As a result, a fight broke out between the two men. Aras also told Volkan not to approach Asya and at the same time calls her his beloved woman ...
