Super Riki / Drama / 💖Elkızı english subtitles

Elkızı episode 6 english subtitles

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Episode 6 of the Turkish TV series “Elkızı” tells how a policeman came to Bekir’s hospital to take testimony from him. But Javidan was nearby, and therefore Bekir was very scared. He was the only surviving witness of that ill-fated night and must say who he saw then. Seher understood that Bekir did not want to give his name just because he was afraid of Javidan. But he tells her that he really doesn't remember anything. When Ezo returned home, she felt that someone was following her. She was not mistaken, and as soon as this man approached her, he hit Ezo on the head, and she lost consciousness. When the sons of Nermin saw their mother holding hands with Jemal, they were shocked. Javidan explained that Jemal was the driver of her deceased son. Javidan gathered everyone in her house in order to ask the hand of the mother of Harun and Mert. Harun knows very well that his mother had a secret connection with Resul and now she acts meanly, hiding it from him. Bekir kidnapped Ezo, but she said that she was not at all afraid of him. But Bekir is going to have Ezo marry him. Javidan came to Bekir and said that she would kill him. Nermin told her son that everyone who has no money in this life is doomed to lose. Selcuk asks Javidan to tell him everything that she knows, or her granddaughter will die ...
