Super Riki / Drama / 💖Annemizi Saklarken english subtitles

Annemizi Saklarken episode 2 english subtitles

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2 series of the Turkish series "Annemizi SakLarken" will tell about how a lot of guests gathered on the anniversary of the wedding anniversary of the wedding and Dundara. As soon as Handan saw that Dundar came out of the mansion, he went after him. Dundar kissed Handan and it happened in front of his wife and son. Handan wanted to give a slap to him, but Dundar asked for forgiveness. She said that at first he would have to ask him for his wife and children. After the solemn speech of Dundara, Zerin wished his own hands to hand him a cherished gift, which he dreamed so much. Then the woman put a gun to her head and shot. But before his death, she uttered that he struck everyone. Nobody understands how a person has decided to commit suicide to commit suicide, devote his last words to any children or her husband. And whisper them in the ear tail, which just strokes her dress. The rumors are beginning to spread that Dundar has long been signed by Handan, and now she was on his list. The servant in the mansion believes that mourning their owner will end in bed. Handan is trying to explain to Dundara that men do not understand women and they just need only one from them. And she also wants most of all to love her from a pure heart. Dundar for a short time thinking suggested Handan to become his wife ...
