Super Riki / Drama / 💖Annemizi Saklarken english subtitles

Annemizi Saklarken episode 4 english subtitles

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4 Series of the Turkish TV series "Annemizi SakLarken" will tell you how Dundar arranged for Handan surprise. He said that he wants to implement any dreams Handan. Dindar took out a gorgeous ring and suggested Handan to become his wife. Handan was very happy and answered agree. When Handan with Dundar came to the restaurant, she wanted to talk to him. Dundar knew perfectly well that Handan would like to talk about children before the wedding. She like any woman wants to have their children, and he understands it perfectly. But Dundar will not be able to become a father, since he already has three children who need to put on his feet. If Handan had children, then Dundar would never even approach her. Dundar wants Handan to go for him, knowing that they will not have children. Handan must decide what is more important for her, children or chic life. Can she refuse their children? Handan Demir in this life will be the one who was not able to become Handan Bulut. She will become a woman and despite everything, Handan Demir will definitely be happy. She will survive everything that Handan Bulut could not survive. Tryya asked her mother to find for himself another rich husband, but from Dundara Demira she should stay as far as possible ...
