Episode 21 of the Turkish series "Uc Kiz Kardes" tells how Nesrin begins to demand from Turkan that she immediately divorce Somer. But Turkan does not want this at all, because she loves Somer very much and is happy next to him. When Nesrin insisted, Turkan told her mother that she was pregnant. At that moment, Somer stood outside the doors and asked to open them, which Nesrin was not going to do. When Sadik heard this news, he was very happy. He told Nesrin that they would soon be able to take their very first grandchild into their arms and what could be better? When Mine saw her child in Turkan's arms, she was very angry. She said that Turkan was just waiting for this moment because she herself could not give birth to Somer's child. Ryuchkhan is very worried, and she understands that Mine should not find out about Turkan's pregnancy in any case. After all, then no one will be able to vouch for her further actions. But Mine unexpectedly finds a note from Somer, which was intended for Turkan. In it, he wrote that Turkan would go to face motherhood. Mine told Somer to also think of their daughter, as of the child that Turkan had not yet had time to give birth to. After all, she is also his child and Somer is also her father. Turkan became an accidental witness to this conversation...