The 3rd episode of the Turkish series “Gulumse Kaderine” tells how Eda was very glad that nothing bad happened to her friend. Ayşegül does not like the fact that Ekin shows sympathy for Yaren. Firat began to harass Yaren, and she no longer wants to stay in this ill-fated house. Only Eda tells her friend that this house is the only safe place for them. She is confident that nothing bad will happen to them again. If Firat tries to do something else, they will tell Uncle Kudret about everything. At this moment, Kudret informs everyone that Yaren and Eda will live in this house and work. Ayshegyul was very unhappy about this and expressed her opinion to Neval. Firat begins to threaten Eda and demands that she be silent. No one should know about his interest in Yaren. Ekin tries to protect Yaren from Firat. When Ekin asked Yaren if she had seen the ring, she replied that she had not. He just doesn't trust the girl. Yaren was very upset and told Eda that she was considered a thief. Ayşegül sees Yaren as a rival for Ekin's heart and therefore looks for ways to hook her. After the ring disappeared, Aishegul took out all her anger on Yaren and hit her in the face ...