Episode 1 of the Turkish TV series “Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi” tells how a young man named Sadi Payasli found himself in the center of the events. If someone ever has to hear his name, then this person will never be able to forget him. He ended up in this place not just like that, but in order to protect those he loves. He is ready to burn the whole world in order to protect his family. Only Sadi has already managed to lose the closest person and in order to return him, he will have to make a lot of efforts. Sadi believes that those who are not afraid of losing someone are like a tied bullet. One of the heroines admits that she went on the wrong path, but then she lost her path. She is already there, and there is no way to get out of there. This is the bottom of hell. Those who can endure the fire can safely join the rest. If someone wants to know his family is real, then you just have to make a mistake. Another heroine boasts that subscribers consider her rich and this is what she always dreamed of. The other, on the contrary, has completely lost trust in people. But still one person could completely change her. Sadi is sure that geography is destiny, but sometimes things turn out differently ...