In episode 1 of the Turkish TV series "Ferhat and Shirin" the events of the series will unfold around a young guy named Ferhat. He has a rather complex character, but at the same time he differs from those around him in his personal worldview. One day on his way, he meets a charming girl named Shirin and falls in love with her at first sight. Shirin also responds with mutual feelings, and they begin to communicate very closely. Each time the couple go on a romantic date and they are very happy next to each other. Some time passes and the lovers understand that there can be no relationship between them. But even such a circumstance is not able to stop Ferhat and for the sake of his beloved he will be ready to move mountains. Ferhat's sister, Shirin, named Banu, is on the way, and she is categorically opposed to this couple being able to legalize their relationship. And in order to ruin their plans for a life together, she will invent various tests for Ferhat. Only the guy was not easy and he is not going to just give up. Ferhat plans to cope with all obstacles and in the end hopes that he can find real happiness next to his beloved ...