Episode 1 of the Turkish TV series "The Source of Life" tells how a young man named Dogan found himself in the center of the events. He is thirty years old, he is handsome and most importantly has a very sharp mind. Nature endowed him not only with charm, but also with wisdom. If he starts talking to someone, then everyone is amazed at his extraordinary and wide knowledge. Dogan also had great life experience. When he enters into disputes with his interlocutor, he always wins. In his professional field, he was able to achieve dizzying success. The thing is that he was a scientist and in his youth he managed to develop his own, extraordinary elixir. No one even suspects that in fact he is one hundred and seventeen years old and he lived such a long life thanks to his unique invention. He is still very young and full of health, as he was at the age of thirty. For many years, Dogan very carefully concealed the secret of eternal youth, but sooner or later, the secret still becomes clear. There comes a time when he has to face serious difficulties. But the worst thing is that a great danger begins to threaten the whole world ...