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Baraj (Dam) episode 1 english subtitles

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In episode 1 of the Turkish TV series "Dam", Nehir has been corresponding with one man named Nazim for a long time. She tells him that when she communicates with him, she is very calm in her soul. Nazim reciprocates and says that Nehir is very interesting for him. Nehir confidently says that her interlocutor is a very deep person, and he replies that she is very beautiful. Nehir sent her photo to the man, but she just can't wait for the photo from him to at least understand with whom exactly you are communicating. She looks forward to this moment with great impatience, but Nazim does not dare. He looks at himself in the mirror and realizes that he cannot show his true face. Nazim is strongly attached to Nehir and most of all is afraid of losing her. The thing is that there was a scar on half of his face and for many people it looks frightening. Then he decides to send instead of himself to the meeting Orhan, one of the company's employees who works under his leadership. Nazim went to this meeting together with Orkhan. When Nehir saw Orhan on the threshold of her house, she mistook him for Nazim. Nazim himself at this moment stood and watched as Nehir tightly hugs this guy. He understands that having seen him, Nehir would never have met him so warmly ...
