The 28th series of the Turkish series "Teşkilat" will tell about how Zhra is still among the hostages at the airport. Serdar builds a plan with which it would be possible to eliminate terrorists and save civilians. The Serdar told Zehre that the operation begins. Uzay at that moment starts to recheck the information and it seems to him that during the operation, they missed something. All that happens is not suitable for an attack scheme to the airport. All were glad that the operation on the rescue of the hostage managed to fulfill with success and no one was injured. Uzay establishes the personality of a person named Batu Culefuepete and he is the head of the prison. In this prison, they keep particularly dangerous criminals. And the main purpose of attacking the airport is this particular person. Head and Zehre charge a new task, and they immediately began to fulfill it. Hemedar has a strong enemy who overflows the thirst for revenge. Serdar said Zehre that she possesses the most beautiful smile. Zehre understands perfectly for which the Edrid makes her such compliments, but it will not help him. When Zhrehra and Serdar went to perform an important task, then what no one could expect. In the building where Zehra and Serdar took place, the explosion takes place and the connection disappears with them ...