Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 56 english subtitles

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In episode 56 of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Miran forced Aziz to confess his sins in front of everyone. First of all, Aziza confessed to Dilshah that she had deceived him about Miran's death at the moment when she handed over his clothes soiled with blood. She even took her to Miran's grave and now she blames herself for separating her son from his mother. Now, in order to earn forgiveness from Dilshah and Miran, Azize is ready to give even her own life. Azize also lost her son and she suffered all her life because of that tragic incident. She admitted that she did all this only to take revenge on Shadoglu. Miran and Reyan are very happy and they have no doubt that now no one will be able to prevent them from equipping the family hearth. They have moved into the mansion, and Reyan wants it to be filled with laughter, abundance and always have a lot of people in it. Together with Miran, they begin to equip their new home, and Reyan wants to make it a beautiful and cozy place. She is happy that Miran is smiling. In addition, she really wants Miran and his mother Dilshah to get close as soon as possible. For this, Reyan is ready for anything. When Reyan met with Dilshah, she introduced herself as the wife of her son. But Dilshakh cannot believe that her son Miran is next to her ...
