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Hercai episode 57 english subtitles

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In the 57th episode of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Fusun decided to take revenge on Aziza and she intends to remove Miran, who is so dear to her. Azize said that Fusun has lost Haruna, but if she does not stop the people who are to kill Miran, she will never see her daughter. When Fusun was informed that her daughter had died, she could not accept it. Fusun began looking for her everywhere, but her efforts did not bring any results. Gradually, she had to come to terms with this thought. Only Fusun did not have time to stop the man who set up the accident for Miran. Azize asks Reyan not to put herself in danger again. Only now Reyan will never be able to forgive anyone if anything happens to people close to her. And she wants Azize to remember this forever. When Azize was at the gate of Dilshah, she began to beg to forgive her. But it is too difficult for Dilshach to forget what she went through. After all, Azize deprived her of the most precious thing in life and took her child. Because of this, she spent so many years in captivity. She will never be able to forgive such a thing. Dilshah is going to take revenge on Aziza for all her suffering, and she came out to her with a knife in her hands, and then hit Aziza with it. Reyan witnessed this event ...
