Super Riki / Drama / 💖Gizli Sakl (Undercover) english subtitles

Gizli Sakl (Undercover) episode 4 english subtitles

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The 4th episode of the Turkish series "Gizli Sakl" tells how Namyk was fired from his job because he fell asleep. But a horse dose of sleeping pills was found in his blood. Taryk said to bring Namyk to him and he does not want this man to lose his earnings through their fault. When Naz tried to treat Pamir's wound, he asked her to be careful, because she was allegedly in love with Levent. Naz replied that it was just a sham. Pamir is sure that marriage and relationships are completely unsuitable for Naz. Naz confirmed that you can't fall in love according to plan and it all happens by accident. Pamir asked Naz how many times did she have to fall in love? Naz replied that it was only once. And she fell in love with him the day they first met. Then she simply did not have the strength to resist the gaze of the Pamirs. For Naz, the most important thing is that next to Pamir she feels completely safe. When Taryk and his wife came to visit their neighbors, an unforeseen situation occurs. Here was a relative of Naz, who recognized her and called her by name. It was Namyk, who was brought here at the request of Taryk. Taryk again has suspicions that his neighbors from the police ...
