Super Riki / Drama / 💖Gizli Sakl (Undercover) english subtitles

Gizli Sakl (Undercover) episode 5 english subtitles

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The 5th episode of the Turkish TV series "Gizli Sakl" tells how Zeynep accidentally mixed up her phone with Naz and she had to talk to her mother. She replied that now her daughter is not around, but her husband is and pointed to Pamir. Upon learning such news, Naz's mother was shocked. Naz warned Pamir that this would not end so easily and that he did not know her mother at all. They had to go to Naz's parental home to meet her relatives. Pamir sees that Naz is very nervous and asks her to calm down, because he can fix everything. As soon as my mother came face to face with Pamir, she began to ask her daughter who this person was and how it all happened? Naz and Pamir reported that they were married. Then the woman began to insist that Pamir invite his family to visit them in the evening and, as it should be, they would get to know each other. Then the Pamir will have to ask for the hand of Naz, as is customary. Naz and Pamir have been cornered and urgently need to take action to remedy the situation. When Naz was alone with her mother, she asked if her daughter trusted this man? Naz replied that very much. Pamir bought a bouquet of flowers and went to ask for the hand of Naz, since the most important thing for them is not to fail an important operation ...
